Thursday, May 6, 2010

work is never done

right before every bout I write up my list of stuff I have to do and bring.  Here it is, so far:
  • buy receipt rolls for the cash registers
  • buy a roll of tickets for the 50/50 raffle because I have no idea where the roll we had last year is
  • buy AA batteries for the cash registers
  • buy an extension cord for the cash registers because I don't know where the outlet is at the sports complex there's no outlet close enough to where the merch will be
  •  bring the cash drawers on Saturday (currently in the trunk of my car)
  • bring the bill counter on Saturday (currently in my attic the dining room)
  • pick up the starter change and bill straps from the bank on Saturday morning (dammit I forgot! need to go back to the bank)
  • bring the suicide seat wrist bands, stamps, ink pads, crowd counters (currently in one of the cash boxes in my basement)
  • get some sort of boxes in which to collect ticket stubs
  • bring the deposit bags from the bank on Saturday (currently in my messenger bag)
  • pick up the unsold tickets from the brick 'n mortar places that are selling them, on Saturday afternoon
  • pick up the programs from the printer

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