Wednesday, May 14, 2014

it's been a while

but there's really not much to say.  I miss skating and playing.  I go to scrimmage on Thursdays and help bench manage, but it's not the same.

Our team had a bout this past Saturday but I had a bout of food poisoning so I wasn't able to go.  

A week from tomorrow I leave for Vegas for the WFTDA Annual Conference; I'm looking forward to that.

Other than that, I've been brushing up on the rules in anticipation of hopefully becoming a ref.  When I go to practices, I kinda pretend to be a pack ref and do "out of play" and whatnot.  I feel like I've got the rules pretty much under my cap, but it's a matter of accessing them quickly and applying them when necessary that will be the tricky part.  We'll see how it goes.