Friday, November 30, 2012


So tomorrow's the championship bout.  I really hope we win.

Last night was the final home team scrimmage night.  I had to jam a few times, and it went about as well as it normally does (read: not very well).  I did get lead jammer at one point (mostly because the other jammer was in the penalty box at the start of the jam) and as I was coming through the pack for another scoring pass, I got - just - BLAMMO in the chest by someone on the other team.  I went down on my stomach, wind knocked out of me, frantically gesturing to call off the jam ('cause the other jammer was back in at this point).  After the jam ended, I was like "I'm okay, I'm fine, I just need to lie down here for a little bit."  I think it's only the second time I haven't immediately been able to pop up after getting knocked down, and the first one where people took a knee for me.

So tomorrow night's bout is a singleheader, which means I DON'T HAVE TO DO ANY JOBS DURING THE BOUT.  I CAN JUST CONCENTRATE ON PLAYING ROLLER DERBY.  This is a huge relief for me as I do not do bout production and playing derby well together. 

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