so that brings the year to a close. It was a pretty awesome year, if I do say so myself. It didn't necessarily start that way (what with my knee and my ankle and all that other injury-ish type stuff) but ended pretty rad (what with another league championship and getting rostered as an alternate for the A team).
Ever since the rosters were announced, I've actually been exercising! (I KNOW!) One of my home teammates who's also an A team alternate and I have become accountability buddies - we text each other when we've done our daily output. I've been concentrating on core work, at least ten minutes a day (sometimes 20, sometimes 30), and yesterday when I went to open skate with Maverick I definitely noticed a difference - when I'd go into a derby stance, it took absolutely no effort at all to stay there. Yay!
(as an aside, Maverick is big enough that he can wear my first pair of derby skates. That is SO SCARY, y'all.)
I didn't get anything derby-related for Christmas, though I did go out to Turnaround Skates (we went to Buffalo to visit my dad) and bought new Gumball toestops. My old ones were worn down to flat pancakes. I also bought a new mouthguard because I lose them like nobody's business.
The next six months are going to be crazy. I'm going to have four practices a week (Sunday mornings, Monday night, Tuesday night and Thursday night) plus away bouts and home bouts. I'll either die or become Superwoman.
Superwoman. Totally. :)