Friday, July 18, 2014

So yeah. Hi.

Tomorrow is the last bout of the season; I asked to be honorarily rostered (since it's not an official game, just a mixup of skaters into two teams, we don't have to limit ourselves to 14) so I can skate intros and whatnot. 

Then, after that, I officially retire as a skater.

I didn't want to end my skating career this way; I wanted to end on a blaze of glory after an amazing win or whatever, not "year of mishaps and surgeries and injuries that led me to not skate at all."  If you don't count the scrimmage we played in February? March? (the one with the screwed up track dimensions) it's been almost exactly one year since I have bouted.


But, in happier news - I never talked about the WFTDA conference in Vegas!  OMFG THAT WAS AMAZEBALLS.  I learned so much and had so much fun.  I was the only person from my league who went, so I was kinda worried that I'd be by myself the whole time and all that.  Nope!  I'd go up to a group of skaters and say "hey, can I glom onto you?" and they'd say "SURE!"   One night I was trying to figure out what to do, and I decided I'd walk the Strip (by myself) and I ended up behind a group, and one of them turned around, realized she'd met me earlier in the day and said "Hey, Queenie, wanna come with us to get tacos?" and I was like "YES PLEASE".

So, so much fun.

I've been studying the rules so I can be a good ref - mostly taking the Roller Derby Test O'Matic and writing down the ones I get wrong.  I have this notebook thing that I've set up for my derby stuff that I carry around with me all the time.  I'm dorkily excited.

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