Thursday, November 18, 2010

answering comments

"Are you managing to get to the gym at all?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA uh no.  I haven't been to the gym since....oh....April? ish? And by April I think I mean March?  It's really quite sad, considering I'm still paying for it.  Maybe now that we're in our off-season, I'll try and go.

And by "try" I mean I probably won't go at all. Sigh.

So we had our last bout of the season, and I was in a really crappy mood for most of it because out of a full, sixty minute game, I was only in SIX jams.  (It would've been eight, but one I had to sit out because my equivalent in the previous jam was in the penalty box, and one was a total communication fuck-up and someone else went in in my place.)  Of course, I played like total crap in those six jams*, so it was probably for the best that I wasn't in more often.

Grr.  This season has just been so damn frustrating, due to all the circumstances beyond my control.  Next year's gotta be better, right?  RIGHT?

*edited to add: I played like total crap in 5 1/2 of those jams.  By the end I finally got my groove back(ish) and was able to keep knocking the other jammer out of bounds repeatedly.

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