Monday, November 29, 2010

so...the off-season.

We're still practicing once a week, with the option to go help out at Fresh Meat 2x a week, but I haven't even looked at my skate bag since the last bout (which reminds me, it's probably horrifically stenchy now. Think the "Hey let's open the Ark!" scene from Raiders).

The season did not end on a particularly happy note for me, for various reasons, so I've been wallowing in a state of misery for the last two weeks.  Sort of "do I keep skating, or do I hang up my skates and call it a day?"

And my answer is.....keep going.

This season was craptacular because I tried to do too much (captaining and treasurering - neither of which I am doing next season) and because of various black swans that left me off skates for two and a half months.  So I think we're good for at least one more season.

I have to get new knee pads, though.  I'd been wanting to get new ones anyway (they're two years old) and one of them cracked at the last bout, so that kinda confirmed it. 

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