Tuesday, January 10, 2012

well, *FUCK*

last night was the first travel team practice of the new year.   During one drill, I fell on the side of my left knee and felt something go "pop" or "sproing" or whatever onomatopoeia you prefer.  I skated off, put some ice on it, and felt okay a few minutes later, and started doing the drills again.  It bothered me when we did army crawls at the end, but beyond that I really didn't think twice about it.

When I was trying to fall asleep, however, it started really, really, really hurting.  This morning I couldn't bend my knee more than 45 degrees or so. It got better as the morning progressed, but I still couldn't get much past 90 without wincing and going OKAY THIS HURTS I'M GOING TO STOP NOW.

My PCP referred me to an orthopedic guy, and a few prods and bends and slightly humorous comments later ("ok, just relax your leg.....you don't know how to relax, do you?") they think it's either my MCL or my meniscus.  I'm in a brace and have an MRI scheduled for the 17th.  I'm to do PT twice a week and I have a follow up appointment on the 26th.

As I said above, *FUCK*.

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