Friday, April 26, 2013

last night

there were only about five A team members at scrimmage, so I played on their team. (And then the jammers got switched [B team jammers played for the A team and vice veresa] so it was pretty much just like playing with my B team.)

Normally I'm Prepared Queenie and bring a plethora of scrimmage shirts, but last night I only brought white (on scrimmage nights, B team wears white and A team wears green), so when everything got all wonky weird, I had to borrow a friend's black shirt, so my number was different for the scrimmage.  That was amusing when at the end of one jam, I heard "Black, 691, low block!" and I thought THAAAAAAAAAAAT'S NOT MY NUMBER TONIIIIIIIIIIIGHT but then our Head Ref called me on the number I was wearing last night, and I did have to go to the box.

Then at one point my kneepad slipped (when does that ever happen? never) and I skinned my knee in two places.  Ow ow ow ow.

Oh - WE'VE GOT A CHALLENGE BOUT AT ECDX!  YAY!  It's one of the "half an hour exactly, time stops for no one and/or nothing" ones against the Philly Block Party.  Wheeeeeeee!

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