Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I skated yesterday.  My ankle was fine.  However......

Back in May, I started to develop a sore spot on the heel of my right foot.  It didn't look weird or anything, it just hurt if I put any sort of weight on it.  I ignored it for the better part of two months, and then was like OKAY THIS SUCKS I CAN'T WALK I NEED TO GET IT LOOKED AT.  So I went to my doctor who said that it looked like a wart was forming deep and that I should go to the dermatologist.  So I went to the dermatologist last week (and had to wait 45 minutes to see her LIKE I ALWAYS DO EVERY TIME I GO TO HER) and she determined it was a corn, not a wart, and grabbed a razor and scraped it out.

I'm supposed to keep a wart remover pad on it, but it's on my heel so it slides around and falls off, so I keep it secured with duct tape and I wore extra-squishy soled socks on purpose.  Anyway I was skating last night sprinting to keep up with someone and my heel was like OW OW OW OW OW FUCK THAT NOISE OW.  So at that point I stopped.

There's a little over a week until home team practices start again and I know we're going to start out 100% balls-to-the-wall, so I hope it gets better by then.

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