more death paces yesterday. Whee? By the time we were done with our off-skates conditioning, we had like 45 minutes left of practice time and we were all kinda like "do we *hafta* skate?" But we did. Nothing too heavy, though.
My wheels are so covered with gunk and crap it's awful. I was going BUMP-BUMP-BUMP-BUMP the entire time. It reminds me of one of our early, early practice spaces, where there were rats skulking around and you would pry quarter-inch thick chunks of stuff off your wheels after practice. I want my Diamonds now! I'm a little worried, though, as I placed the order back on the 29th and haven't heard any sort of update. I sent an e-mail on Friday but haven't heard back. WHERE'S MY NEW SKATE WHEELS? WHERE'S MY NEW SKATE WHEELS?
Captainness Awesome posted a message in anticipation of Saturday's bout, on things we need to work on. For me, it was "Staying in bounds, not getting hit inside, dominating pack through commands", all of which are very true (I was getting hit to the inside like crazy on Thursday. Probably because that's where I tend to stick.) As for dominating the pack through commands, yeah. I need to communicate more. If Imma gonna be pivot, I gotta tell people what to do. I *know* what to do (which is why I think they've been grooming me for pivot), I just need to open my mouth and SAY IT.
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