(today's title comes from this, which I just discovered last night and it's been going through my head non-stop since then*)
Monday was our final team practice; we met at a bar and did the official Lacing of the Trophy (our trophy involves a pair of roller skates; the winning team will lace them with laces in their team color) and individual pictures. We'll each get the trophy for two weeks; mine isn't until the end of November, oh well.
We decided we're going to get "LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 2011" printed on the sleeve of our jackets, so I had to collect them all again and take them to the printer.
I'm going to miss playing with my team very much. We really gelled into a force to be reckoned with. Captainness Awesome was the best captain you could ever hope for - she was supportive, she encouraged us to work harder, she kept a smile on our faces. I'll miss having her on my team.
But, onward and upward to bigger and better things!
We've set up a database to nominate captains for the B travel team. Next to each person's name, they accept or decline the invite.
I looked yesterday and I'd been nominated.
I had to delete the text of my initial declination, which was "OMFG SWEET ZOMBIE JEEBUS IN HEAVEN NO". (I eventually put "I'm honored, but I must decline.")
Seriously, this year has been a bazillion trillion quadrillion pentillion (?) sextillion (??) septillion (now I'm just guessing) fuckload (that's better) better/easier/more fun for me than last year (and not just because I haven't had any family members die**). I could concentrate on playing, and the game, and having fun, rather than "okay, what disaster is going to happen now/what do I need to keep an eye on now/who's going to come up to me and request-a-check-hand-me-a-stack-of-cash-for-ticket-sales-and-not-label-it-or-maybe-it's-dues-money-I'm-not-sure. I've had people come up to me and say "you seem MUCH more relaxed this season." Gee, I wonder why?
All I have to do is file the league's 2010 tax return, and I have until August 15 to do that. It's just a matter of dropping numbers into a form and printing it, but as I am a procrastinator by nature, I will wait a while to do it.
So when we all met on Monday, some of the A team skaters were talking with the coach about exercise log sheets. I happened to steal a glance at a prototype; it had things like "caloric intake" and how many exercises you did with various parts of your body.
I distinctly remember thinking "thank GOD we don't have to do that."
(You know what's going to happen, right?)
There's talk on our B team message board about doing the same thing.
Here's what mine would look like:
WHAT I ATE: Coffee, half a loaf of bread, some water, half a box of Annie's Organic Cheesy Bunny Cracker Things***, whatever Roy made for dinner, the other half box of Annie's Organic Cheesy Bunny Cracker Things.
WHAT I DID FOR EXERCISE: Thought about doing some situps.
**knock on wood
***not its real name
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