Wednesday, August 24, 2011


September is going to be a busy month, bout-wise.  I'm playing a home game on the 10th and an away game on the 24th.  Both bouts are against the same team; from what I have heard they will be our toughest opponents yet (even tougher than the team we beat in the last jam).  I am nervous.

I finally got our spare bedroom organized so I have a dedicated place to put my sewing machine and my serger (before I'd have to drag them out one at a time in the dining room), so I started working on the green-on-white helmet covers and made another pair of booty shorts.

All I have to do is turn in the elastic and hem them.

In other news, I'm on another "let's lose a lot of weight in a fairly short amount of time" kick.  Here's where I get all braggy and HEY LOOKIT WHAT I'VE MANAGED TO DO YAY ME:

  1. I'm down 16 pounds since the beginning of April;
  2. If I were to start going to Weight Watchers again, I'd be within 3 pounds of my Lifetime Weight and could go to meetings for free again.
  3. The last time I distinctly remember weighing what I do now was October 2004.  
  4. My absolute most favorite dress in the whole wide word, that I haven't worn in, like, years and years and years (even before October 2004) fits.

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