They're gone now (boo) so I shall update.
The bout! Everyone on the team except me had Derby Skinz, black with bright green trim. I did not have bright green trim on my (homemade) booty shorts, so I had to borrow some green gaffer's tape from the referees and jerry-rig the trim. It worked, but I'll have to fix the shorts before the next bout.
Yeah, I crashed into the suicide seats after a hit. It was amusing - my thought process went something like this:
- I'm going to crash into the seats.
- Hm, I'm going to crash into this group of people.
- Oh crap, I'm going to crash into the guy with the cane.
- Well, they're called "suicide seats" for a reason....
(it's at the 1:16 mark; Blogger's not letting me put in time codes)
I got a "blocking out of bounds" penalty for that one, although the referee looked at this clip later and admitted that it was a clean hit.
As for the bloody nose, some people say that I hit the jammer in the face (resulting in a high block penalty, which I took) and other people say she took someone else's skate wheel to the face. The full video from the bout isn't out yet, so I'll have to check that out when it's released.
Then there was this, at the 2:16 mark:
Oof. Although admittedly, it didn't hurt. Which, if you think about it, is kinda crazy. You usually do not fling yourself onto a concrete floor in a belly flop because you think "duh, that would hurt."
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