Tuesday, November 8, 2011

okay! so!

We had a bout this past weekend, in London, Ontario.  I think if one of the people on your team is skating for Team Canada in the World Cup, and you've been skating together as a group for six years, you're not a B-team.

But even though we lost (144-76, I think), we had a great time and learned a LOT (we picked up a whole new strategy to try).

I was really annoyed, though, because the FIRST JAM I was in, I fell and hit my head.  (Someone said that it looked like I also took a skate to the head, but I'm not sure.)  I went in the next jam I was scheduled for, but I was completely useless and my head was killing me and EVERYTHING WAS REALLY REALLY LOUD so I took myself out for the rest of the half and sat in the bathroom and waited for everything to quiet down, which it did.

At practice last night, I discovered the the inside of my helmet had come unglued from the outer shell, so I was like UM OKAY I NEED ANOTHER HELMET, so I ordered one online.  Hopefully it'll come soon.

And then, completely out of nowhere, I got a bloody nose at the end of practice.  I didn't get hit or anything, it was just that the air in our practice space was SO DRY.

1 comment:

  1. So, you're going to call your doc, right? 'Cause head injuries, however small they may seem at the time, can be crazy serious if you don't get 'em checked out. *hugs* Please do not die.
