We had a bout this past weekend, in London, Ontario. I think if one of the people on your team is skating for Team Canada in the World Cup, and you've been skating together as a group for six years, you're not a B-team.
But even though we lost (144-76, I think), we had a great time and learned a LOT (we picked up a whole new strategy to try).
I was really annoyed, though, because the FIRST JAM I was in, I fell and hit my head. (Someone said that it looked like I also took a skate to the head, but I'm not sure.) I went in the next jam I was scheduled for, but I was completely useless and my head was killing me and EVERYTHING WAS REALLY REALLY LOUD so I took myself out for the rest of the half and sat in the bathroom and waited for everything to quiet down, which it did.
At practice last night, I discovered the the inside of my helmet had come unglued from the outer shell, so I was like UM OKAY I NEED ANOTHER HELMET, so I ordered one online. Hopefully it'll come soon.
And then, completely out of nowhere, I got a bloody nose at the end of practice. I didn't get hit or anything, it was just that the air in our practice space was SO DRY.
So, you're going to call your doc, right? 'Cause head injuries, however small they may seem at the time, can be crazy serious if you don't get 'em checked out. *hugs* Please do not die.