Friday, January 4, 2013


I am SO glad I kept up on exercising during the break because I would have been dead, dead, dead without it.

It probably also would've been easier if I'd remembered (a) my sneakers and (b) my helmet. (That's what happens when you bring everything in from your car to clean it and fix it and replace stuff.)  I had to borrow one from the Gear Bin.

So we had about half an hour of off-skates (jogging, stretching, burpees, squats, blargh) and then on-skates ("on one whistle, go down on one knee!" TWEET! TWEET! TWEET! TWEET! TWEET! TWEET! TWEET!) It was at this point that I threw up.

After that I was fine, though, and went on to scrimmaging.

I can only stay for about an hour and a half on Thursdays 'cause of Maverick being at home, so I only got to stay for a little bit of the scrimmaging.  I ended up jamming twice and..... went pretty well!

I wasn't lead jammer either time, but I was able to break the pack both times (each time, there was someone on the other team even with me who tried to knock me out, but I was like DON'T LOOK OVER AT HER JUST GO GO GO GO GO FORWARD and was able to outrace her).  The first time I was almost at the pack for a scoring run when the lead jammer called it, the second time everyone was all sort of congregated at the inside of the track and I thought "please don't let them go to the out right now, please don't let them go to the out right now" and went full speed around them on the outside (at one point I ended up on one skate) and got three points.  It was awesome.

I just hope they don't think that I'm perma-jammer material.  We really only have two perma-jammers and one other woman who likes to jam but gets a lot of penalties.

(There were also a few situations where someone would bump me out of bounds and start skating backwards, but I was able to quickly get in behind her and keep going, even as she was still skating backwards.)

Of course, it wasn't all perfect - I got capped at a really inopportune moment and the other team's jammer just breezed by all of us - but beyond that I was quite happy with my performance last night.


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