Tuesday, February 22, 2011

another thing to cross off the bucket list, I s'pose

the rink where we practice is unavailable to us this week because the kids are off and they're doing events for them, so we have to fend for ourselves.  Thursday we're all meeting to review the rules, but last night, for our regular team practice, we did....pole aerobics.

One of my teammates runs a studio, so we all went there and we she gave us a super mega ultra beginner's lesson.  I have no upper body strength, and now my arms are killing me.  And I am in awe of her abilities.

1 comment:

  1. We did this as a team building exercise too! It was a lot of fun, but yes, I also realized how little upper body strength I have (and how much 195 lbs of dead weight is) and was hurting the next day.

    So you think this may be the last season? Just because of the kid thing, or other things too?Our league has a babysitter come in and for $10 per practice (it's a 3 hr practice) they stay out of our way. I guarantee it wasn't because your well-behaved child was there, it's because someone's unruly kid is going to show up and the team doesn't want to be playing favorites.
