Tuesday, February 8, 2011


so last night was our first practice after our GLORIOUS VICTORIES. Since we only have two coaches (Coach Dude and Coach Ref), it was decided that whatever team was not playing in the next bout would be on their own for the time before that bout. Since that's us, our captains ran last night's practice.

I figured we would not rest on our laurels, and I was right.

Things went fine and dandy until the last drill. We were supposed to skate fast pack, and if we couldn't keep up with Captainness Awesome, everyone stopped and did ten push-ups, then we had to start again.

A minute or two into the drill, plugging along and pushing along, I got this - bubble, for lack of a better word - in my chest. I knew that if I could just belch it out, I'd be fine, but I just. couldn't. 'Cause of this, I couldn't really take deep breaths, and I started freaking out that I was going to hyperventilate, and everyone around me is yelling at me to keep skating and not coast around the turns (my wheels were slipping and I was worried about wheel-locking someone) and it just kept going and going and the callus on my foot was screaming and I couldn't get a decent breath and everyone's yelling to keep moving my feet, and I felt like I was going to puke, and then sweet merciful heavens the drill was done and I sort of collapsed into a heap on the track. Eventually I was able to belch and things were okay. But good Lord, it really sucked.

But I didn't drop out. Yay for small victories.

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