Tuesday, April 17, 2012


I think I got my mojo back!  Last night's practice was *really* good.  I knew what I was doing, I could do it, I didn't get annoyed and frustrated, etc.

a few highlights:

- I chased after the opposing jammer as she broke the pack, CAUGHT UP TO HER AND PUSHED HER OUT OF BOUNDS.  Of course, I was so excited I'd been able to do it that I kept doing it waaaaaaay out of bounds and would've gotten a penalty if we'd actually been playing.  BUT ACTUALLY CHASING THE JAMMER WORKED!

- Mid-scrimmage, one of my teammates fell pretty much right in front of me.  I got my skates wide and she went BETWEEN MY LEGS.  Fortunately she did not get up right then or I would've taken a helmet to the ladybits.

- We did some "breaking a wall down" drills.  Coach Dude was like (to me) "you're looking at the blockers, and you're looking at the floor.  Look for the spaces."  It made sense, and I tried doing it, but it was difficult.  SOMETHING TO WORK ON.

- In the same "breaking a wall down" drills, as part of the wall, the two blockers on the outside of the wall had the jammer behind them.  When no one expected it, I swooped in from the inside and knocked her out of bounds.  GO ME

You'd think that if you're doing a plow stop on a straightaway, it wouldn't matter if you were going in derby direction or opposite derby direction.  IT DOES.  All of us were having issues trying to do them going clockwise.  It was weird.

1 comment:

  1. "A helmet to the ladybits" is my new favorite phrase. Wish I could come to the NH bout this weekend, but it's significantly farther away than usual and I have family coming to visit. :( Sounds like you're all set to skate strategically, so I bet you'll be awesome on the track!
