I think I got my mojo back! Last night's practice was *really* good. I knew what I was doing, I could do it, I didn't get annoyed and frustrated, etc.
a few highlights:
- I chased after the opposing jammer as she broke the pack, CAUGHT UP TO HER AND PUSHED HER OUT OF BOUNDS. Of course, I was so excited I'd been able to do it that I kept doing it waaaaaaay out of bounds and would've gotten a penalty if we'd actually been playing. BUT ACTUALLY CHASING THE JAMMER WORKED!
- Mid-scrimmage, one of my teammates fell pretty much right in front of me. I got my skates wide and she went BETWEEN MY LEGS. Fortunately she did not get up right then or I would've taken a helmet to the ladybits.
- We did some "breaking a wall down" drills. Coach Dude was like (to me) "you're looking at the blockers, and you're looking at the floor. Look for the spaces." It made sense, and I tried doing it, but it was difficult. SOMETHING TO WORK ON.
- In the same "breaking a wall down" drills, as part of the wall, the two blockers on the outside of the wall had the jammer behind them. When no one expected it, I swooped in from the inside and knocked her out of bounds. GO ME
You'd think that if you're doing a plow stop on a straightaway, it wouldn't matter if you were going in derby direction or opposite derby direction. IT DOES. All of us were having issues trying to do them going clockwise. It was weird.
"A helmet to the ladybits" is my new favorite phrase. Wish I could come to the NH bout this weekend, but it's significantly farther away than usual and I have family coming to visit. :( Sounds like you're all set to skate strategically, so I bet you'll be awesome on the track!