Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Injury Report for Last Night:

1. Early on, I fell kinda backwards and landed on my right hand, with my elbow locked, so all the force went up into it.  Ow.

2. Then I fell on my butt (not my tailbone, fortunately) after getting knocked down again.

3. During our endurance sprints, I hit a spot on the floor that people previously had mentioned as being slippery.  My feet literally shot out sideways (at least that's what it felt like) and I hit the track pretty hard.

I was up at 3am alternating an icepack between #1 and #2.  BUT IT DOES SHOW THAT I KNOW MY ASS FROM MY ELBOW.

I'm still floundering.  Getting worse, even, it feels like.  It occurred to me this morning that I don't think I looked around ONCE during our scrimmage part of practices.  WTF, Queenie?  That's frickin' Derby 101.  Blah.

We're changing up the way we're playing - not fielding a pivot, not giving our lineups specific positions to play, everyone cramming up by the jammer line - and I don't like it.  It's not what I'm used to.  There's no time to really set up strategy when the beginning of the jam is a big game of backwards Red Rover.  OCCUPY THE PIVOT LINE! All these changes in our team really started while I was out on my injury, so now I'm getting thrown into it when everyone else has had experience with it.  Sigh, argh, bleh.

I wonder if any of it has to do with my skates, that I'm really not as stable on them as I think I am.  I wonder if I should switch back to my old skates just for one practice and see how I do.  It can't hurt, I suppose.

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