Monday, April 23, 2012

the weekend

We left on Friday about 6:30pm.  Got to the hotel in New Hampshire about 3am.  That was miserable.

Saturday we discovered we were about half an hour from the ocean.  TRIP FOR LUNCH!  The weather was amaaaaayyyyzing - sunny and temperatures in the 70's.  (Meanwhile back home it was rainy and in the low 40's, which made us cackle.)  We had an awesome lunch at an oceanside restaurant and just enough time to do a little window shopping before we had to go to the venue.

The A team played first, which was unusual for us.  It was weird getting warmed up and then SITTING for an hour + watching our leaguemates play.  (The whole venue was kinda weird - there were 150 fans TOPS.)  It was a crazy close game and Skate Free or Die won, 134-132.

Then it was our turn. 

During the first half, I played in ONE jam.  There were three lineups (power and then two) and I was supposed to switch out with someone else in one of the lineups, but they kept playing her instead.  If someone was out on a penalty, either she or I would sit out.  When one skater got injured (which brought us down to eleven, a perfect two lineup + three jammer rotation), they still didn't switch it up.  Honestly, we were getting pissed (and my teammate is the kind of person who is *always* happy, so for her to get pissed, it takes a lot). 

Finally I got to play more in the second half, and people were commenting on the hits I was making.  We ended up slaughtering them, 183-73. 

Afterwards, the coach and bench manager came up to me separately, telling me what a good job I'd done out there (and the bench manager apologized).  So I'm going to treat it as "we didn't want to play you too much at first because we wanted to test you on coming back after your injury, and you passed".

Then we went and got $4 Long Island Iced Teas.  Many of them.

Yesterday was spent driving back home, got in around 7pm.  Woke up this morning to snow and miserable weather.

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