Wednesday, March 16, 2011

breaking news


Yeah.  Maverick is doing an ice skating club thing (which he loved) for five Tuesdays in a row, which means I don't have to pick him up from school until 5:15, which gives me about 3 hours in the afternoon.  So I decided to go to the gym (I was going to go on Friday, when he was over at a friend's house, but [as I think I mentioned before] my dermatologist appointment ran half an hour late).

I know, right?

I only did half an hour on my beloved machine, the elliptical, but I got sweaty and felt great afterwards.  (There seem to be two types of exercise for me - stuff like that, where I work hard and get sweaty and am all I FEEL FANTASTIC I AM GOING TO EAT NOTHING BUT HEALTHY FOOD AND DRINK WATER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE and the rest, where I work hard and get sweaty and am all GODDAMMIT I HATE THIS THIS SUCKS JUST KILL ME NOW FUCKING EXERCISE I HATE IT AND EVERYTHING ELSE.)

So yeah.  Maybe next week I'll actually use the other machines!

Missing practice this Thursday because of child care, but it's okay because it's a league meeting and we really won't be skating much.  I asked the league president if I could Skype in and she said sure, she'd bring her computer.  Hooray for technology!

I think I might need new wheels.  I know I just bought the Heartless ones a few months ago but on Monday I was skittering around in the turns.  Or maybe I need new cushions for my trucks.  I have no idea. 

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