Tuesday, March 22, 2011


so three days of hard practice/exercise/skating in a row, and I feel.....not too bad!  My right elbow is feeling weird, I must've done something to it, but it's not keeping me from functioning today or anything like that.

So last night's practice.  We have this one drill that's called Four Corners.  Basically everyone gets into 4 groups, one at each corner of the track.  The jammers start at turn 4, skating around.  A skater from the group at turn 1 starts in front of the jammer, then a skater from turn 2 joins in to form a wall with the skater from turn 1.  When the whole group has passed the skater from turn 3, she joins in, sprints to catch up and hits the jammer that is presently being held by the wall.

To not be humble for once, I fuckin' ruled the drill last night.

I kept up walls that the jammer couldn't get by.  I kept knocking the jammer out again and again (to the point where when I was working with one particular jammer again, she said "Oh no, it's you again!" and then told me later I was her worst nightmare during that drill).

I got a very nice e-mail from Captainness Awesome this morning telling me that I owned the drill.

So yeah, yay me. :)

In other news, I've ordered new cushions for my trucks.  Apparently you're supposed to change them every once in a while.  Who knew?  I hope it turns into a situation where I switch them and am like "OMFG I NEVER REALIZED SKATING COULD BE SO MUCH MORE AWESOME" and not "hm, I can't really tell the difference...."

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