Wednesday, January 27, 2010

well, that's interesting

More fun with Kyle last night.  As I was doing some weight machine that involved my arms, I looked at myself (I was right in front of a mirror) I was surprised/shocked/flabbergasted to see that my right shoulder was much higher than my left.  Freakishly higher.  Like, I thought my shirt had bunched up higher.

Kyle said he'd noticed it before, and also commented on the fact that I had no idea where to hold my upper arms, which apparently means I'm a lot more flexible.  Who knew?  He said that there's a strength/flexibility tradeoff, which may or may not have something to do with my shoulder issues in the past.  He also commented on how unless you actually pay attention to how you move and stuff, certain muscles will compensate in movements and strengthen, while others atrophy.  Apparently this is starting to happen with my right shoulder.

Then he had me try to do bicycle crunches on a bosu ball.  Good Lord that was an exercise in futility/hilarity. I could go for about half a second before I fell off.  I have no balance.

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