Tuesday, May 3, 2011

and trudging ever onward

Went to practice last night, even though some medication I've been taking gave me hives and all I wanted to do was take some Benadryl and collapse.  It went okay - at one point my fingers got skated over, so they're still kinda sore and stiff - and then we did one drill beyond my own personal point of exhaustion so I had to drop out. :(

I also, during one scrimmage drill, hit the jammer (Captainness Awesome) way harder than I needed/expected to, and she went flying.  Coach Dude was like "Geez, Queenie," and I immediately thought oh crap I didn't mean do hit her that hard, but today on her facebook wall Captainness Awesome said something like "my neck is still sore from when you knocked me down; good hit."  So I guess that's okay.  One thing I've realized is that I am much more go for blood and broke during an actual bout than I am during practice, but that's probably true for everyone.

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