Friday, May 27, 2011

it's Friday

I didn't go to scrimmage last night because about an hour before, I started feeling really crappy. 

In semi-tangentally related news, about 3 months ago I went to the dermatologist about my rosacea.  They put me on a bunch of different medications, none of which have really worked so far.  So the last time I went, about 2 weeks ago, they put me on spironolactone, which can be used to treat acne (I get really ugly pustules around my nose and on my chin - imagine that scene from Animal House where John Belushi does the impression of a pimple).

It's also a diuretic, so I've been making sure to keep drinking lots of water.

In the last eight days, I've lost almost 8 pounds.

I called the doctor yesterday, saying "Um, should I be concerned?" and they were like "yes, that's crazy, STOP TAKING IT RIGHT NOW and we want you to get some bloodwork done so we know your electrolytes aren't all fucked up"* so I went and got that done (the request sheet had a big "REPORT THE RESULTS STAT" on it) and then they called me yesterday afternoon and were like "Um, your electrolyte levels are perfect, so I guess.....yay you?"**

So yeah.  I'm sure it'll settle down at some point, but still....damn.  I'm at a weight now I haven't seen in years.
*this is paraphrased.
**so is this.

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