Monday, May 2, 2011


so I didn't go to practice yesterday.  From what I understand from people's Facebook statuses, it involved a crapload of running, so I'm not too upset.  (Though I should be, since I need to, y'know, go to practice.)

What else is new....Maverick had a baseball game on Saturday.  They lost, 1-0, but the umpire (a high school kid) was horrible.  He'd call balls that went over (our team's) batters' heads strikes, as well as balls that the (other team's) pitcher threw that bounced off home plate.  He didn't realize that if you have two strikes and then hit a foul ball, it's not strike three.  He gave batting tips to the batters on the other team.

I'd complain, but I don't know who to complain to.

Our last year's A team had their private scrimmage on Saturday; they only lost by 5 points.  Wish I'd seen it!

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