Friday, May 13, 2011


So last night, during warm up, my wheels actually skidded out from underneath me on a turn (and they literally skidded; it wasn't a matter of me losing my footing or anything like that) and I fell on my ass. I now have a really painful spot about the size of a quarter. Yay! (On the plus side, though, my knee is no longer bugging me.)

Thursday practice before a bout is always low-key. We usually spend the first hour having our league meeting, and then we scrimmage. Blacks v. whites, we count off by twos. People play positions they usually don't, that sorta thing.

So that's how I ended up jamming.

It was like a horror movie – I'd break from the pack, and then this one skater (who's probably the best player on our league) would zoom up from nowhere, slow me down, and then I'd be back in the middle of the pack. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. I think at one point I yelled "THIS IS RIDICULOUS!" But eventually I got far enough away, and then the other jammer called it off. (I did get a good hit on her, though, getting her out of bounds. She was not a normal jammer either.)

I also made myself play pivot a few times, making myself talk the entire time. It was a little tricky, though, as I was all ready to shout out our secret code words for our various plays, and I was like "NO I CAN'T SAY THAT BECAUSE (A) THEY WON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M TALKING ABOUT BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT ON MY TEAM AND (B) I'LL GIVE AWAY TRADE SECRETS."

All in all, it went pretty well. I worked on working with my teammates instead of being all IT'S ME AGAINST THE WORLD, which I tend to do.

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