Monday, April 4, 2011


As I said in my facebook status this morning, GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH MY LEGS.

It was (relatively) nice out yesterday afternoon, so when I got home from practice I hung my pads outside on the line to air out.  Cut to this morning, when Roy reminds me that I left them outside all night and it rained.  Oops!  I stuck them on the clothesline in the basement with the fan on HIGH pointed at them.  I figure if they're not dry by the time I get home from work I'll put 'em in the dryer on no heat and see how they do.

If all goes well, I should be getting my package from Sin City Skates today.  New helmet, new cushions for my trucks and new wrist guards.  I have to see if the chick who painted the crown on my previous helmet can do it again or not. :)

Former Fearless Leader had ordered a bunch of recaps from the knee pad company, but they sent her the wrong ones, so she gave a set to me.  So now I have recaps.  Yay!  They are very slick, which is nice for the "drop down on one knee and pop up real quick" drills we had to do yesterday.  I'm sure in a matter of time they'll roughen up and I'll be back to TRUDGE TRUDGE GUH again.

Anyway, after the Death Paces portion of practice, we did some skating drills, one of which involved snaking through a paceline, which we haven't done in, like, forever.  It brought back memories of when we used to have to skate in this rec center about 45 minutes out of town and it was unheated so I'd wear my leather trenchcoat during the warmup.  Anyway, there were about 30 people at practice yesterday so the paceline was almost as long as the entire track. 

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