Sunday, April 10, 2011

water is wet, fire is hot, sunday practices suck

So today's lesson in frustration involved lots of running between cones and burpees and pushups and situps and air squats and other lovely things and by lovely I mean horrible.

Then we had to do some thing where it was like: start on your hands and feet, like a downward-facing dog, except your knees are bent.   Then you had to pretend there was a fence in front of you that you had to go beneath, so you had to swoop your torso down "under the fence" and end up in a cobra pose.  It was very impossible and I couldn't do it and I think this is the point when I called Anton Apolo OhHELLno a jerk.  (Not to his face or anything like that; just in my head.)

My knee from when I hit it last Monday is still bothering me when it touches the ground (which it did a lot today, as when I do burpees I tend to slam my knees down). So that hurt.  OW.

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