Monday, July 11, 2011

so, Canada!

So we won, 200-something to 54, I think.  They let me jam.  What were they thinking?

I went to the box twice, both for four minors.  I got a *lot* of direction of game play minors, mostly because I would skate backwards to try and hit someone (they'd have a wall behind me that I needed to break up).

I had a few nice strong hits.  It's funny - we spend lots of time in practice working on hitting.  Hit with your hip, not your shoulder; crouch down low then pop up and back; etc., etc.  During a bout, my hitting style really is just I AM GOING TO SKATE RIGHT INTO YOU AT FULL SPEED. 

(I LOVE our new uniform shirts.  It's so nice not to have to scrub Sharpie off my arms in the shower.)

I also lost ANOTHER wheel.  And I'd made sure that the (brand new installed) nuts were tight before I went on. There are two possibilities that make sense, from the opinions I've gotten:

1. My axles are stripped and I need new trucks;
2. The wheels have a wider space between the bearings, so the nylon part of the lock nut doesn't connect so it doesn't stay stuck, and I should reverse the orientation of the nuts.  (This one would make sense because the trouble started happening when I got the new wheels, but when I put the nuts on it looked like they went on fully.)

I'll mess around with it at practice tonight and see how it goes.

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