Friday, July 29, 2011


ME (to Roy): Check this out. (shows 2" long strip of rink rash on upper arm)
ROY: Who did that to you?
ME: The floor.

I don't know what it is, but lately I have been made of nothing but booty shorts and direction of game play minors.  It's crazy.  I got sent to the box yesterday for 4 minors, and ALL of them were direction of game play.  I just get all THEY ARE GOING SLOW BEHIND ME I MUST GET BACK THERE AND BREAK IT UP and I don't wait long enough to start going forward.   They need to change that rule. 

I've also had the problem of going to hit the jammer out of bounds and just succeed in knocking them forward.  That's annoying too.

(On Monday, during practice, a bunch of us were talking about our preferred side to knock jammers out to.  I am almost 100% "knock 'em to the outside", which I should probably work on.)

So time's running out on my procrastination of preparing the league's tax return for last year - it's due August 15.  My plan is to do it on Sunday.  AND THEN ALL MY RESPONSIBILITIES WILL BE OVER WAHOO.

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