Thursday, July 7, 2011

tiny moments of joy

at scrimmage night tonight.

1. We were playing A team against B team, and kinda going loosey-goosey with positions, which is how I ended up jamming.  Whistles blow, I'm off, I manage to get almost all the way through without falling or getting knocked way out of the way.  I wait, and wait, with two A team blockers in front of me, and then I see it - the blocker on the inside line is starting to wander away - and she's not looking my way!  Neither is the other blocker with her!  I quick jump through the hole and get called lead jammer.

Of course, the other jammer got through not too much later, and passed me, but I called it off and she didn't get any points.  Yay me!

2.  The second part of the practice, we did two A team lineups against each other, then two B team lineups against each other.  Captainness Awesome came to join us because we didn't have a full roster.  She came up to me and said "Captain?" and I had to say that no, I wasn't captain.  She smiled and said "I guess I just assumed you'd be it."  Which made me feel good.

Anyway, Saturday is Canada.  Whee!

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