Thursday, December 3, 2009

day 3

okay so if you know me this next sentence will make you laugh and laugh and wonder who hacked this account.

I went to the health club at 5:30 am this morning.

It's really the only time I could go. I went on Tuesday, I have my personal trainer appointment on Saturday.  Roy Underkill (my husband's derby name) has a Thursday night bowling league and I didn't think Maverick (my son's derby name) would appreciate being dragged to the child care (because how can he play Madden '04 or watch Phineas and Ferb if he's in child care?).   I work part-time, but there's only an hour and a half between when I get out of work and Maverick gets off the bus, which isn't enough time to work out.

Sooooo, that leaves Thursday AM. 

It went fine, today, at least.  It was novel, much like how I got up at 5:00 last Friday for Black Friday was novel.  (I can easily see myself going "fuck that noise" when there's 3' of snow outside that needs to be shoveled.)  There was no traffic out in the pitchy blackness, there were a fair number of people at the club.  I did 15 minutes on the elliptical (OMFG I LOVE ELLIPTICAL MACHINES.  Back when I actually tried jogging I was lucky if I could do a twelve-minute mile.  According to the machine, I was pounding out 7:30 miles with no problem), then used the ab machine crunchy thinger, then 15 more minutes on the elliptical, then some planks and supermans.  Not as many as last time, though.

And I was home by 6:50am, ten minutes before I would normally wake up. 

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