Wednesday, December 9, 2009

day ten or somesuch

So Moby showed me how to use a few of the machines.  One of them was this terrifying Roman chair thing, where basically all your weight is supported by your forearms/upper body,and you're supposed to bring your legs up to a 90 degree angle, so it looks like you're sitting. 

"Do them until you reach your fail point," he said. "Two, or maybe three."

The first time, I did five.  The second time, I did six.  Hells to the yeah, baby.

I did a few other machines as well - core machines.  GOTTA GET THAT STRONG CORE MAN.  Then I did 2 miles in 13:02 on level 6 on Ye Olde Friend Elliptical, then about half an hour on one of the exercise bikes while I watched the end of For The Love of Ray J and then I Wanna Work for Diddy.

I would make some comment about how all the chicks on these shows have goofy names like "Exotica" and "Aloha" or whatever, but I'm "Queen Kicktoria", so, hi, pot, I'm kettle.

Tomorrow, Thursday, is where I have to put my money where my mouth is.  It's the day where, in theory, I get up way early and go in.  We're supposed to get a lot of snow tonight and it's gonna be frickin' cold cold cold cold.

We'll see what happens.

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